
Excel SUM function to sum numbers in a range: #1 Easy method

Excel SUM Function to sum numbers in a range You can use excel SUM function to sum numbers in a range. SUM function adds values. The basic formula to use the SUM function is: =SUM (argument1, argument2, argument3…Argumentn) Advertisements Properties of arguments: Argument can be a range, a number, or cell references Each argument must […]

Workbook and Worksheet in Excel: Master the difference between them

Difference between Excel Workbook and Worksheet A workbook is an Excel file. It is also referred to as a spreadsheet. A workbook consists of at least one sheet. You can add more sheets in a workbook by clicking on the plus sign. Let’s see the differences between workbook and worksheet in excel. Difference between Workbook […]

Quick ways to start Excel (7 Examples)

Professional ways to Start Excel Before starting to work on excel, your first job is to start Excel. There are many different ways you can do so. Let’s see 7 different ways to start Excel. Start Excel from Program File Use the Search Field as Excel to Start Excel Open Excel from Taskbar Right-click as […]

Master the Excel Window Parts in 1 post

Master the Excel Window Parts Excel Window Parts: To work quickly and in a professional manner, it is the best practice to know different elements of the excel window and understand their functions. Let’s know and understand the elements. If you master the Excel Window parts, it will help you to understand the excel functions […]

Master Cumulative SUM or Running SUM in Excel with 2 examples

Learn how to do cumulative SUM or Running SUM in Excel To calculate the cumulative sum or running sum of numbers in an Excel table column, follow the steps below: Step 1: Select an empty cell where you want your cumulative sum. Advertisements Step 2: Write =SUM ( Step 3: Write the cell reference, from […]

Master how to SUM entire Row and Column in Excel

SUM entire row and column in excel. Learn with example. To add the values of the entire column A, you should simply use formula: =SUM (A: A) Advertisements When we use A:A, we tell excel to sum all the values from A1 to An, where n is the last column. In our example, we want […]

Auto SUM

Auto SUM column range: The faster and easier way to add a SUM formula in your worksheet is to use the AutoSum Wizard. You can use the AutoSum Wizard in two ways: Advertisements 1. Selecting an empty cell above or below the range: Step 1: Select an empty cell above or below the range you […]

Name of Range

Name of the ranges in excel is used as a substitute of the cell references. You can define names of the ranges in two different ways: 1. Using the Name Box: Advertisements To name a range, you should follow the following steps: Step 1:Select the range as follows. In the example, we have selected (A2:A10). […]

SUM row range

The SUM function is used to add values. The SUM function can add individual values, cell references or ranges or mix of all three. You can use the SUM function to add values from the same worksheet as well as from different worksheets. You can also add non-contiguous cells from the same column or from […]
