Excel shortcuts with letters
List of Excel shortcuts with letters. Studies (e.g., Lee, Shifflett, and Downen, 2019) find that use of Excel Shortcuts improves performance by 13.7%. Here is a list of Excel Shortcut Keys with letters.

To select all or the current region. | Ctrl+A |
To insert formula arguments. | Shift+Ctrl+A |
To apply bold letters, numbers, and characters. | Ctrl+B |
To copy data to be pasted to another cell. | Ctrl+C |
To fill down. | Ctrl+D |
To display the find and replace box. | Ctrl+F |
To display the format cells dialog box. | Shift+Ctrl+F |
To display the go To dialog box. | Ctrl+G |
To display the find and replace dialog box, replace tab. | Ctrl+H |
To apply italic formatting. | Ctrl+I |
To display the insert hyperlink dialog box. | Ctrl+K |
To display the create table dialog box. | Ctrl+L |
To Toggle auTofilter. | Shift+Ctrl+L |
To create a new workbook. | Ctrl+N |
To display the open dialog box. | Ctrl+O |
To select the frst cell containing a comment. | Shift+Ctrl+O |
To display the print window. | Ctrl+P |
To display the format cells dialog box, font tab. | Shift+Ctrl+P |
To fill right. | Ctrl+R |
To save the workbook. | Ctrl+S |
To display the create table dialog box. | Ctrl+T |
To Toggle the Total row (when the table is selected). | Shift+Ctrl+T |
To Toggle the underline format. | Ctrl+U |
To paste the copied data. | Ctrl+V |
To display the paste special dialog box. | Ctrl+Alt+V |
To close the window. | Ctrl+W |
To cut to be pasted in another cell. | Ctrl+X |
To redo the immediate action. | Ctrl+Y |
To undo the immediate action. | Ctrl+Z |
Lee, L., Shifflett, E., & Downen, T. (2019). Teaching excel shortcuts: A visualization and game-based approach. Journal of Accounting Education, 48, 22-32.
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